Derive state models of dynamic systems using linear graphs.
Supported formats: .png .jpg
Command | Usage |
a+b | The sum of a and b |
a-b | Subtract b from a |
a*b | Multiply a and b |
a/b | Divide a by b |
a' | The time derivative of a |
t | The variable denoting time |
a**b | Raise a to the b power |
sqrt(a) | The square root of a |
(a+b)*c | Denote modifications to order of operations with parenthesis |
exp(a) | The natural number e raised to the power a |
log(a) | The natural logarithm of as |
log(a, b) | The logarithm of a in base b |
Command | Usage |
cos(a) | The cosine of a |
sin(a) | The sine of a |
tan(a) | The tangent of a |
cot(a) | The cotangent of a |
sec(a) | The secant of a |
csc(a) | The cosecant of a |
sinc(a) | The unnormalized cardinal sine of a |
asin(a) | The inverse sine of a |
acos(a) | The inverse cosine of a |
atan(a) | The inverse tangent of a |
acot(a) | The inverse cotangent of a |
asec(a) | The inverse secant of a |
acsc(a) | The inverse cosecant of a |
atan2(a, b) | The inverse tangent of a divided by b |
sinh(a) | The hyperbolic sine of a |
cosh(a) | The hyperbolic cosine of a |
tanh(a) | The hyperbolic tangent of a |
coth(a) | The hyperbolic cotangent of a |
sech(a) | The hyperbolic secant of a |
csch(a) | The hyperbolic cosecant of a |
asinh(a) | The inverse hyperbolic sine of a |
acosh(a) | The inverse hyperbolic cosine of a |
atanh(a) | The inverse hyperbolic tangent of a |
acoth(a) | The inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a |
asech(a) | The inverse hyperbolic secant of a |
acsch(a) | The inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a |
Command | Usage |
I | The imaginary number defined as sqrt(-1) |
re(a) | The real part of a |
im(a) | The imaginary part of a |
Abs(a) | The absolute value of a |
arg(a) | The argument (angle) of a |
conjugate(a) | The complex conjugate of a |
Command | Usage |
ceiling(a) | The value of a rounded up to the nearest integer |
floor(a) | The value of a rounded down to the nearest integer |
sign(a) | The sign function of a |
Reserved Variables |
s |
dummy |
Eq |
Function |
Symbol |
Integer |
Float |
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